We offer 30-day guarantee on receipt of parts. If you are not satisfied with the parts you received, parts are damaged or incorrect, Please contact us within 30 days for retrun or exchange.
Return / Exchange Conditions & Freight Responsibility:
Condition | Returnable | Exchangable | Return Freight |
Not Satisfied with Quality | Yes | Yes | Buyer |
Damaged Parts | No Need | Yes | Seller |
Incorrect Parts | Yes | Yes | Seller |
Note: Please check whether the product is in good condition before return, We do not accept parts that have already been installed or not in new condition. If parts are damaged, please send us the pictures asap for confirming.
Return / Exchange Steps:
1, Contact us via email: sales@rabropar.com, better send us pictures for quick confirmation.2, We will send you the return address after confirmation then waiting for the retrun.
3, After receiving the return and checking that there is no problem, we will resend the order or make refund.